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! Good-Bye: 2020, Welcome 2021!

Posted on December 30th, 2020

Cheers to all for overcoming the obstacles year 2020 presented and the opportunities 2021 has in store for us; professionally and personally. The covid-19 pandemic has taught us many valuable lessons, none more crucial than the need to embrace and prepare for uncertainty. It shook the world and brought a significant shift in everyone's life. The year 2020 has been challenging, emotionally draining and indeed transformational. At some point, each of us would have had missed something in life, a deadline/target/job, or maybe someone. The choice thereafter is either living a life of regret or feeling the POWER within to come back stronger & win what we had lost. Nonetheless, let’s welcome the New Year facing every challenge by actively coming up with new ideas and solutions. Exhibiting the right mindset is the key component towards reaching any goal. It doesn’t matter what life throws at you so long as you have Confidence and Self-Belief to see tough situations through and emerge stronger.

Lessons Learned:

Let’s introspect and imbibe in our lives with some of these key lessons learned during these testing times. The past year has transformed our lives. It has been a time of major change for society and every industry. As we approach the end of the year, it’s time for us to reflect on five things we have learned in 2020:

  1. Be Prepared: We better be prepared, we never know what is coming. 2020 was the landmark year for many of us to deliver the goals that we set in 2019, but this year turned out to be tough.
  2. Accept The New Realities: We entered the year 2020 with one expectation and it turned out to be a different year, and embracing that reality and acting on it is the first step to success.
  3. Look Out For Each Other: It’s high time to look out for each other because, at the end of the day, success is not possible without mutual support while working on a common goal. The more we support each other as a team, the more successful we will be.
  4. There Is Always A Silver Lining: Always look for the opportunity, there is always a silver lining. Let’s use these dark times to deepen our strategic convictions and accelerate our journey towards success.
  5. Be An Optimist: It is always important to be an optimist. It’s easy to despair but it’s much more valuable to find a path forward. Let’s hope and look forward to a bright 2021.
Don’t Wait For The Opportunity, Create It:

Many of us out there have been caught in the COVID. Are you one of those …? And if that’s a yes, no problem, because every Set-Back can be countered with a Come-Back through extensive networking. Networking is the best tool to create your career path and can help you land in your next job. Let’s take a look at the networking best practices:

  1. Spot The People You know: Former colleagues, social acquaintances, and alumni are great people to connect with on LinkedIn or any other social media platforms to initiate the first step. Once they’re in your network, you can send them a text to catch-up and take it from there. Keeping the spark alive in a professional relationship makes it easier to reach out when you need career advice or a job referral.
  2. Start A Purposeful Conversation: Networking is all about bonding and rapport through authentic conversations. If it’s been a while since you’ve reached out to your connection, lead with curiosity by viewing their profile and recent activity to see the latest developments in their career. Use that as an inspiration to get the conversation going with a message.
  3. Ask for Help: Always be open to seek Career Advice, An Introduction, or A Referral to get your foot in the door. Based on the current stage of your job search, your network can be helpful in a few different ways - for career advice, introductions, or a referral for a specific opportunity. Once you are clear on your ambition, provide context and preferences that can empower your connection to help you out.
  4. Nurture Your Professional Relationships: The tenacity of your network purely depends on how well you discipline your professional relationships gradually. Make it a habit to follow-up by giving a heads-up on your job search, summarizing on how their advice worked for you or sending a thank you note and offing your support in return.

Life happens, never-give-up. As we head into 2021, these lessons learned, need to be carried through in health, economic viability, and workplace stability. Prosperously transitioning into 2021 will require businesses to think out of the box, let go of legacy rules, and emphasize new workflows. There is no rule book yet. We need to reimagine the new workplace-beginning from how we collaborate to how we do business and beginning from how we recruit to managing and engaging talent.

Hoping these lessons will help us navigate the risks and opportunities ahead. The need of the hour for a highly uncertain 2021 is a systematic and structured approach to achieve the desired goals.

#Goodbye2020 #Opportunities #DreamJob #CareerPath #Job-Seekers #Welcome2021